Well. It has been, literally, months since I have written on this. I am sorry for those of you who actually pay attention. My life has been pretty hectic these last couple of months. I feel as though I won't fit it into this one blog, however. So I may be doing volumes. But for now, I'll give you the brief.
July was very boring for me. I did take quite a few trips to Omaha though. I love my friends there. Clarisse Thomsen being my primary heart and soul of Omaha. She is one of the best friends you could ever ask for.
Auggy was a bit more exciting. I went to Colorado with my mom, sister, and grandma. It was one of THE best trips I have ever taken. God really blessed me with showing me his beauty in the world. Nature, clearly, is proof that God exists.
At the end of August, I got my big girl pants, and moved to college.
I can't even begin to describe the thrill I felt of moving.
Yes I miss my parents and my sister, and most importantly, my dog Chloe. But I love being here at college.
I love the atmosphere and the independence.
It was scary at first but I couldn't be happier.
I am a pledge of Chi Omega and that has been the best thing that has happened to be since I have been at college. The girls at the house are SO much fun and I love being around them. There will be a more in depth blog to come about Chi O, Big Red Singers, and other events that have happened since we've last chatted. Don't you worry :)
As for now, thought, I must finish my laundry and then get some sleep.
College really knows how to rob you of your precious sleep time if you aren't careful!
I'm going to do my best to keep up with this blog. Maybe if I make a list, I'll be more likely to finish!
1. Colorado
2. College transition
3. Big Red Singers
4. My roomie
5. Chi Omega
6. New friends (and renewed friendships)
7. My beautiful sister and her rock (Oh yeah, she's engaged!!)
Until then,
Kali Jean
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