Hello again!
I am finally back from NYC..Well actually, I've been back. I've just been lazy and haven't posted a new bloggy.
Anyway. New York was amazing, as I expected it would be. I got to meet Corbin Bleu. For those of you who don't know who that is..google him ha. He is a beautiful person.
We did a lot in the big apple so I won't bore you with my agenda of the days. But the main reason we went was to sing in Carnegie Hall, which I mentioned in the last blog. It was absolutely AMAZING. Words literally cannot describe being in the hall. The best part though, was that I got the solo I wanted.
Let me break this down for you.
There was one solo out of the 7 songs we had. And it was a soprano solo..very high notes. One soprano was going to get the opportunity to SING A SOLO IN CARNEGIE HALL. And they picked me.
I almost pee'd my pants.
It was truly an experience I will be greatful for for the rest of my life. I mean, I stood where famous people stood. Kind of mind blowing.
The whole trip itself was so inspiring. It really made me want to be in New York some day. Not just live there, but be on Broadway. I know it sounds like a crazy idea. But what's living if you don't dream? And what's a dream without action? Just a dream. So, I've decided to go for it. Even if it never works out, at least I can say I tried.
I have a feeling this may take a while..